Friday, June 1, 2018

Anne of Green Gables

The setting for the Anne of Green Gables story is Cavendish, a sleepy little town on PEI. Anne comes to live with a family at a home called Green Gables. The story continues from there and as millions of young and old readers know, the books are filled with Anne's tales of her life at Green Gables. There is Lovers Lane, the Haunted Wood, the singing brooks and the pastures and fields filled with apple trees and wooden fences and the old well.

Lucy Maud Montgomery grew up just across the road from the Green Gables house and her stories are taken from her memories, both real and imagined, of her childhood, growing up in this place. Her mother died when Lucy was a baby so she was sent to Green Gables to live with her grandparents. And thank goodness for that, eh? Otherwise the world would maybe not be as bright and airy as it is today. Or so we might like to think.

These pictures and the ones that follow in my next couple of posts are all at and around Green Gables.

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