Friday, August 3, 2018

A Whale of a Good Time in Juneau, You Know

I've been to Juneau about 5 times, I think.  My first time was celebrating my 40th birthday and we actually flew there from Seattle and stayed for a few days, exploring the city and it's neighbor, Douglas Island, across the water.  That's the first time I came across the pretty flower found all over Alaska, fireweed. 

The other times I've visited, have always been via cruise ship.  Juneau offers all sorts of cool things to see and do, so I don't get tired of visiting.  Each time it's something new.  This time, I wanted to go whale watching, because I've done some whale tours before and have never had much luck with them, in terms of seeing humpbacks up close.  I was hoping for an improvement this time.

While the afternoon we spent out on the water chasing orcas and a few humpbacks was moderately successful, I still came away feeling a bit deprived.  I guess my expectations are higher than most.  That's just me.  I'm sure some people see one whale through binoculars and feel like they've hit the lotto.  All in all, it was a nice afternoon and we did see whales, so I guess we can call it a success. I did learn that the underside of the tail fin of the whales are unique, much like our fingerprints.  The boat captain knew which whales these were, simply by looking at their tail fin. 

We did also see some great sea lions, lazing about on a buoy.  They cracked me up.

A nice thank you to our whale tour company, Weather Permitting, and Captain Harry, for a lovely afternoon.


Orcas swimming off into the wild blue yonder.

Mendenhall Glacier in the background.

Sea lion time!!  They are much more cooperative than whales.

Isn't this just the cutest ever??

First sightings of humbacks

This is either Herbert Glacier or Eagle Glacier, I can't recall which one.

We saw the whales' tails 3 times - I caught two of them.

The money shot.

Some pictures from the town.  I was also enamored with some ravens/crows in town.  And some new sculptures along the (also) new boardwalk. 

These fur underthings were very interesting.

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