Thursday, October 7, 2010


I am at Day 11 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred exercise program. You all know Jillian, right? The maniacal but soft-hearted trainer on Biggest Loser? Anyway, she has this DVD called 30 Day Shred and it's all about doing 20 minutes of intensive cardio/strength exercises every day to grow stronger, leaner and more fit.

The DVD has 3 levels - and you start with Level 1 and work your way up (hopefully) to Level 3 at about day 20. Today was day 11 - and my first day on Level 2.

One would think that kickin up some exercise for a mere 20 minutes a day would be a piece of cake. WRONG-O!!!! This workout video will kick your butt in more ways than one!! I have never dripped so much sweat in my life - and I thought I was in decent shape!! Again, WRONG-O.

Anyway, I've noticed an improvement in my stamina since day 1. I'm a bit stronger. Day 1 I could barely do 5 pushups. Day 11 I'm doing 20 with little sweat. Go me. I've lost a whopping 2 pounds in 10 days!!! It's not so much the pounds I'm looking to lose - it's the being in better shape that I'm after, goal-wise. I think I'll get there.

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